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334 items found for "why-suffering"

  • Why Science Makes Faith Cooler: part 3

    Genesis 1 describes how God spoke the world into being and carefully set it’s parts into motion by His word. Science has answered the question of the Earth’s origin with the Big Bang. The Big Bang, of course, is the idea that this universe started when an infinitesimal point of energy exploded into the matter that now flies outward. And it seems like the theory of the Big Bang is being constantly reinforced by science’s observations of the movements in outer space. Now, let me tell you about E=mc2, Einstein’s most famous contribution to science. It is a mass to energy conversion ratio. It basically describes that Energy can be converted to matter but the amount of energy that must be used to create a certain amount of matter is that amount of matter times the speed of light, after you square the speed of light. C is a lot. Light covers 299,792,458 meters in every second. C squared is a lot a lot. An atomic bomb is the reverse of this process. It converts a single atom back into the energy that created it. Hopefully that gives you an idea of how much energy goes into creating each atom. Okay, hold that E=mc2 in your mind and let me tell you real quick about String Theory. As I understand it, it basically explains that all the matter in the universe, and the gravity that holds it together, are described by the frequency of tiny vibrating strings (they say ‘strings’ because that is geometry we can picture). Well, do you remember how the Bible says God spoke the universe into existence by his word? Like, a vibration in the air? What if God first existed with a bunch of spiritual energy (the realm of angels and sprits might still exist in that realm of energy). And he compacted a bunch of it together so that it would become mass (remember how much energy God would have sacrificed to make each of our particles- he really cares about us!). And then he spoke into it and the huge bang of vibrations burst the whole ball apart and animated all the different strings at unique frequencies natural to each. And the different frequencies resonating through all the building blocks of matter coming together give its parts the unique characteristics we see today. That physical world filled with a whole, beautiful array of things resonating with unique beauty is what we are left with, and experience every day. I doubt any of this is exactly right, but seeing correlations with the ancient Bible and modern science brings it MORE life and gets me excited at the possibilities. Raw Spoon, 3-9-17 📷

  • Why We Say All Sins are Equal in God's Sight

    I think that as regards salvation, the reason that before God all sins are equal is because it’s not about the consequences; it’s about the choosing to disobey. Whether we steal a matchbox car or a real car in both cases we have chosen to disobey. I’m pretty sure God’s kingdom isn’t about toys or Teslas. It’s about having a heart to obey. The good thing is I think God is always ready for us if we repent. But what about those things I continually hold onto despite being told “let go.” Ugggh. I’m thinking of those things in my life. The things I don’t let go of because I think their impact is so inconsequential. But doesn’t that show I am an animal that acts on the rewards and consequences of this world instead of God’s instructions? What if it were that very smallest thing that proves to myself and God that I am not of a heart to obey? Out of all the great temptations in this world, I would not even give up that small thing. God, help me have a heart to obey. Please help us obey. Raw Spoon, 10-26-17

  • John 21: God why you aren't giving me answers?

    But they had the nets already almost pulled in from the last cast, so why not.

  • Innocent Punished?

    When the reason I struggle to believe in God is because I see the innocent suffer, I need to ask myself If there were no God, and therefore no force to hold universal equilibrium, why would I expect that bad Instead, I think the injustice we feel when the innocent suffer attests that we feel that a score is And even when you suffer for God, that is accruing up there as well. So maybe when we get upset about the good suffering down here on earth, it doesn’t mean we conclude God

  • God's Hands Tied

    Sometimes I ask, if God is all-powerful why doesn’t He just come down and fix the suffering. But then I think, what IS causing most of the suffering in the world?

  • Loneliness and the Holidays.

    Why am I alone? Last Christmas, I didn’t go home as I had traveled a lot last fall. Is this in some way an indicator of why I’m alone? I know people love me—so why does loneliness trick me into thinking otherwise? Or maybe God didn’t save you or someone you love from some horrible suffering. When you are wondering why your family hasn’t called to check on you, or why your friend seemed distant

  • STORY: New Kingdom is Digital?

    This is why they had even let poor kids like him have lens implants: the ads. "That's why...?" "Yep, that's what caused the war. Alfred said this as if everyone he knew had suffered a high cost for it. "Why didn't they believe him if he was so good?"

  • STORY: The Marines and Mentorship

    Another one of my friends affirmed it, "Seriously, all they're trying to do is make us suffer. I did however notice the sharply dressed sergeant easily hiking beside us as we suffered. It wasn't the type of smile that liked seeing someone suffer. We had all suffered together. They expected us all to quit together. But this time he stopped and said, "Ruben, you know why we had to make you suffer in boot camp don't

  • STORY: Trusted with little

    But he also often asked God, "Why have you blessed me with so much?" "That's why I brought it out today." He whispered the prayer again, "Why have you been so good to me, God?" "Why, daddy?!!" The other daughters sobbed. "We only got stupid cars! He whispered a prayer, "Why have you given me so much, Lord. Why so many beautiful gifts?"

  • Existential Movie Review: The Martian

    And why? It’s like someone really smart, really wants us to exist. Hmmm. . . Onward. But then I think, if He orchestrated things so well to support our lives, why does He let us suffer through

  • Guest Post: help with Suicidal Thoughts

    Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Unearned suffering is redemptive.” Job, a character in the Bible, experienced such suffering that he wished he’d never been born. Romans 5:3-4 says, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. We would all suffer if you were gone! 5.

  • *STORY: stoning the cancer in you

    So Joshua asks God why and God says that this one dude, Achan, has kept some of the forbidden spoils He whispered, "God, this is why it is so hard to love you!"

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