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564 items found for "love"
- Lover of Pleasure
I think the main difference between heaven and earth will be that in heaven we will not be lovers of We will be lovers of the good, and the good will bring us great pleasure. Raw Spoon
- STORY: It feels like losing everything
It feels like a starfish losing an entire leg.
- Losing my Faith, and coming back
Losing my faith because of science? Am I losing my faith? ask myself, would I like to believe in a scientific world that has no purpose nor plan nor intrinsic love purpose and a plan out of love for each of us. long as we don’t get too “religious” it should be better for the world anyway, because it calls us to love
- *STORY: He delights in little you
And all of his old parishioners and friends that didn't get to see him anymore loved reading the delight He really wanted to be loved by people. "I love exactly who you are, big guy. I love listening to you talk. You delight me." He typed, "It's hard to watch the one you delight in look for their love from the world. How much I love what he says. How much joy and beauty he adds to my world.
- Earn Your Words
to reason with him to be more compassionate, but I had to admit that even Jesus gave a lot of tough love He knew I loved him. I had earned it. But often he showed them that he really loved them in the same interaction. He showed them he loved them and maybe that’s why he could tell them to go and sin no more. Give to them, cry with them, feed them, love them.
- Loneliness and the Holidays.
It makes me feel empty of love. , “We love because He first loved us.” It Enables Us to Love Unconditionally The next step is to act on that infinite love. Act on your love for them. And do not make your love conditional on whether they love you back. their love into us.
- STORY: My Werewolf Self
I love you. Come back to me." "It's okay, my Love. I knew this was part of it when I promised to love you. As long as this woman still longed to be with me, with everything that I am able, I will love her back . -- This is a similar type of love that God has for us. Love them too, with all that you have. How can you care for that person in your life today?
- The Kingdom is like Ted Lasso
And people loved him deeply for the way he changed their lives. It was a manipulative move to make the club fail by bringing in someone who obviously was not suited about being goody two shoes, or theologically correct, but reaching out to help when no one else would, loving the hard to love, and even forgiving when it leads to us getting taken advantage of at first. I cried because the acts of love causing transformation were so beautiful.
- STORY: Ocean So Big
“God, I took a chance, trying to believe that you loved me,” She whispered. “This is the size of my love for you.” Her eyes got large as she peered into the depths. She pondered, “What if this really IS the size of His love for me?” She thought, “And his love is this real and as solid as these.” It was God’s love for her. — What is on the other side of your fear?
- STORY: Nitro and the Boy
I love you so much. Just do me one favor. Be ready for the master when he comes.” He felt like he was made to love and be loved by a human master. He remembered how much he loved the boy and he never wanted to hurt the boy again. and someone that loved him. He felt the love that the father had for his son, and saw how it overflowed to him.
- STORY: His Goal Is Not To Stop Sinning
My kid is making some bad decisions and I'd love to give him a glimpse of what a good life looks like Yes, I'd truly love to meet your son. Is he free tomorrow? I'd love to show him what we're working on here. Would that help?" I have all sorts of stuff I'd love to show you, if you're curious." --- God doesn't just want to remove
- Live for Someone
It is far better and harder to live for someone, than it is to die for them.