Search Results
335 items found for "why-suffering"
- Is God a He or a She
He created man and woman, so why would he be limited to be either one of the two?
- STORY (Advent): Elizabeth
He's been very happy, like he's had a secret that he couldn't tell me-- and now I know why I've been
- Blog Hop
I hope to modify the format of my blog to be illustration driven soon so that the surfer can click on
- STORY: Taking Risks to get out of Dark Places
Why?” “Oh, mine was because of the divorce.
- *STORY: In Her Arms (Rated R)
He was rolling away from her when she blurted, "Why were you crying?..."
- *STORY: Wait.
This is sometimes why we must go through a waiting period of difficulty.
- *STORY: (Advent) You want Gifts, but not the Giver
But why are you here?"
- STORY: Joy is Knowing a Deeper Reality
Sarah Soffer told the class I had a camel toe today. Total B move. Trying not to hate her.”
- STORY: Fight for Mommy
“Then why don’t you fight for mommy?” ‘Why don’t you fight for mommy?’ Instead of fighting for her, he hadn’t even offered to help. “Why did you did that?” He just shook his head in his own shame and said, “I’m so sorry, Darlene.
- Polaroid of Jesus
“I just don’t get why Jesus is so important,” someone very dear to me said yesterday, “I’d rather just
- Story: tension tells us something is wrong
“Why did you—“ “It doesn’t matter! Jeez! Green doesn’t mean he’s sick or anything.”
- STORY: Robot 2.0
And you ask why I am not scared of you? This is why . . .