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335 items found for "why-suffering"
- STORY: The Dragon who hurts his Friends
Why have you come? Are you a kind dragon?" The old squirrel discerned for one moment more and said, "Okay, kids why don't you go say hi to our new She didn't have to ask why he was crying. That's why I think we'll be good friends. Dragons are about as boring as thunderstorms. Now he saw why dragons were such a lonely lot.
- The Answer to Unmet Desires
It made no sense why hers would not bloom and his would.
- STORY: Slaves to Distraction
Antoine caught him on his way out and asked him, “Why are you in here?” “Why are you doing this for me?” “So why haven’t you told us about this before?”
- STORY: A Nazi's Body and Blood
I yelled at him, “Why should we believe you?!” It was too loud. I was angry. Why is the new man talking to Hans? Who is this new man? Is it true what he says? Why would he do this for us? How could we hold on, even if they were coming to save us soon.
- *STORY: Pretty Britney
Why do you want to stay here?" "This is where he talked to me." "Oh yeah?" Or she would listen to the same song on repeat for a week and they'd ask why, and she would say, "Oh,
- Gardening Art Naked
But why? And one of us asked, could it have something to do with the epic ‘fall of man’?
- STORY: Division and Cancer
That's why I stopped in." The chaplain glanced up at him and then back down at Maria.
- STORY: It Does Feel Like a Burden to Carry
“Why?!" Grayson was already puffing. "What do you see?
- When Someone Disowns You Because of the Elections
So when my cousin called me and told me he in fact did vote for Trump, I asked him to explain why. This is why this is a story of reconciliation, not division.
- *STORY: Visit Him in The Game
"Why would you think that is a fair trade?" "Because I have knowledge that you want.
- STORY (Advent): Joseph
"Why?!" Benjamin asked, struck with disappointment and compassion. "Impurity."
- STORY: New Land Awakening
Sullivan spoke up again, “Why would we die if we only eat other food. Why would we need to eat this?” Sullivan pointed at the egg. Why do you look like that? What were those things on our heads?!” He asked, “Why did you go back for him?” Sullivan said, “He gave us so much.” And that is why my people need you and why your people need us. You two will do very well here.”