Search Results
335 items found for "why-suffering"
- STORY (Advent): Zechariah
When they asked him why he was so happy about the name, he replied "because it reminds me that God does
- STORY: target practice eyes
So, why could he be blamed, he was just doing what he had learned to do. But do you know why porn has such a hold on you?
- Nailing Down Doubts
But how do we answer all those questions about things like sexuality, suffering, dependencies, mental
- Broken Horse Freedom
I can’t really think of anyone who seems like they’ve risen above these earthly limits that we all suffer
- Stop Putting Your Chains Back On
Why have you not broken off her chains?
- Let Your Heart Be Pushed Over
Not that that’s bad but I’ve been wondering why I just don’t feel God in it very much.
- Wanting a Spouse like Wanting a King
Some of them had peeked into the ark of the covenant (that’s why he wiped a bunch of them out). So why not let that longing be ultimately longing for God.
- *STORY: Recognizing the parasite in you
He picked up his phone to respond when all of a sudden he thought, "Why is she always trying to control
- STORY: Scar Talks to His Creator
"Why did you create me like this?" Scar's voice was bitter. "I've always been a jealous brother.
- Homeless Interview: Billy Bob
He was like, “WHY?! I did this for our daughter!”
- STORY: Don't Want to Blink (Christmas Story)
A few weeks ago I was thinking about that and I asked him, ‘Hunny, why don’t you blink what you want “It’s okay,” he said understandingly, “Why don’t you show it to me.” At the top of the paper was the left over question she had asked him, “Why don’t you blink what you want “Why don’t you blink what you want to say to me? He told her which were his favorites and why.
- How Many Stations of the cross are there?
The prayers are meant to help you reflect on Jesus' suffering and help us conform to be more like him