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334 items found for "why-suffering"

  • Why is Jesus So Rude

    It used to bug me big time when Jesus would ask “Why were you afraid of the storm? fact it still bugs me a bit because it just feels rude, but I got a new perspective that helped me see why I decided to stop asking why his responses seemed so rude, and instead just asked myself what his reality And what if in math class they had started arguing about why Mary deserved 4 apples and Jeremy deserved And then, by envisioning his view of reality and why it would solicit such responses, we can act like

  • Why Give Me Doubt

    God, why do you give me struggles and doubts and the possibility to turn away from you?

  • STORY: Why Pray #2

    Why pray for something to happen if God already has a better plan?  Maybe this is why God asks us to pray for things- because he is teaching us to think like Him.

  • STORY: Why Pray #3

    Maybe this is why we are required to do it- to exercise our faith with every word. Why else would we do such an absurd thing, besides that we have faith. And that is one reason why we pray. 

  • Why Are We Not Good Enough?

    I was wondering how could it be fair that no one is good enough to stand in God’s presence? Even when we are doing our best to be good? But then I thought, “Well, in what situation would it seem right and fair to to keep people away from something because it is so clean?” Maybe it’s not about what is fair to me, but what is fair to it. We have a pretty me-centric perspective. And I thought about an innocent baby, very precious and perfect, asleep in perfect peace. And since we are talking of something purer than anything in this world, let’s imagine this baby is so pure that it has never needed to build an immune system to guard from infections of the world. Nobody would think it’s fair to this perfect, beautiful baby for any one of us, no matter how healthy we are now, or how fair it would be to us, to track even our dusty shoes into his presence. Much less lean over, look at, and breathe on this fragile baby. But what I think is cool about God is that although he is more pure and perfect than the newest infant in the world, he is more powerful and wiser than the strongest, and most clever humans and demons. And I think this difference ironically turns the tables of what we thought was happening. When we come before God, It is not our contaminating sin, big or small, that would infect him, but it is God’s powerful purity that pushes back on our seeping, dirty selves and threatens to obliterate us. Just like when Jesus touched the sick, defiled people and instead of it infecting Jesus, their infection was pushed back over its heels and succinctly destroyed. His purity is more powerful than our dirt. And without the pure life of Christ taking the place of what we had growing in us, after God’s purity did its work in us, there would be nothing left of us to live. So to answer our question, It would NOT be fair to put me before a perfect God. But not because I deserve more, but because I wouldn’t even have time to run for my life. Raw Spoon

  • STORY: Why Pray #1

    A very powerful construction supervisor hired his brother to work for him as a manager.  His brother had MS and was curled up in his wheel chair, but he was very smart and could do the job very well. One day the handicapped brother was trying to give instructions, through his slow, slurred speech to some new employees.  These employees didn’t believe he was a manager and they just laughed and made fun of him.  The handicapped brother knew his brother’s will to finish the insulation on the first floor starting in the far corner, but these new employees thought there was a much better way of doing it and mocked his idea and laughed at him. Finally the handicapped brother squirmed and pulled out his walkie talkie and radioed this message.  “The new guys don’t believe that your instructions are the best way to do it.  They need a sign.” Fifteen minutes later a new team of insulators pulled up in a van and relieved the other team of their duties. Elijah was a man just like us.  he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for 3.5 years.  Again he prayed and the heavens gave rain…  James 5:17. Prayer can be like the walkie talkie call.  God can show his will and show His power to the world by answering a righteous man’s prayer. Raw Spoon

  • Why Won't God Help Me?

    Sometimes after working really hard for something and seeing no help from above, we ask, “Why won’t God Sometimes I think this is why we don’t see God appear in our stories very much.

  • Why Pagans Love Mother Earth

    It dawned on me why so much New Age philosophy promotes benevolence to each other and good will to mother

  • Why Bring Christianity to Other Cultures?.

    I asked him why we would think it's okay to spread Evangelical Christian culture into African nations Why bring a new religion into a place when it will potentially cause violence and may destroy the original

  • Why God doesn’t speak during loss

    And I think maybe this is why for most of the time in it, it seems like God doesn't really say anything And I think that’s maybe why God seems kind of silent during my grief. Raw Spoon, 8-24, 2020

  • Why Les Miserables Makes Me a Christian

    I used to ask myself, “Why am I a Christian?” seeing Les Miserables, on this cold, leaf-less evening in December, I thought, this movie is exactly why

  • God Why Do You Push Us Away

    I have friends and family that I want to love you, but I just don’t understand why I would tell them Yeah, that’s a ridiculously big cost, I’d say. but maybe this is why we have so many bad examples of

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