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225 items found for "christians acting poorly"
- STORY: Slaves to Distraction
He acted a bit differently than the others too. Terence said, “don’t i act like a bulldog? Is there anything about me that’s not like a bulldog?
- STORY: The Medical/Spiritual Phenomenon
“Patrick Black, I am a doctor and a representative of the one true God, here to act on behalf of your Besides, how are we to know this man is even Christian and that he wouldn’t be offended by it?!”
- Both Black and White Bear a Burden.
We pick it up when our unseen habits and accepted routines give us permission to act on subtle assumptions
- Get the Point
It was Acts 7:51 that told me, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist
- *STORY: Better Is One Day in Sky's House
He acted as if a better future would find him if he trusted it to, instead of killing himself trying
- STORY: Superhero
Who is the first Christian in this story? What does this tell us that we should do as Christians?
- John 21: How hear from God?
Which is the Christian thing for us to give to others if we want to model God's love.
- What COVID 2020 looked like (for future generations)
But christmas might be able to get reigned in from all the greed and madness it usually is. Meredith J: Americans'- even Christians’ - sense of entitlement over and above kindness and courtesy. Josh S: I see a lot of Christians demanding their constitutional rights (not wearing masks) while ignoring
- STORY: Superhero Lesbian in a Cafeteria Shooting
He acted like he couldn’t hear her, though he did have large head phones covering his ears.
- STORY: In Love With Her Boss
important to him, and there had been a huge breakthrough of some sort recently that had made him need to act
- *Sermon/Story: The Allen Show.
And this is why we Christians need Lent every year, because when we take a good hard look at our sin,
- *STORY: Little Dude Inside, the Sequel
But i just want to let you know that I’ve been thinking about becoming a Christian too.