Search Results
335 items found for "why-suffering"
- *STORY: Still True North
And this is why it caught on. It tested boundaries of risk and discomfort no one had pushed before. Do you know why?" Carlos shook his head. "Because they just wanted the answers.
- Homeless Interview: Alan Mosely
He has a developmental disability and at some point he suffered an emotional breakdown.
- Twin: A homeless Friend in our Church
He said she didn’t suffer so that we could not help people like she did.
- China 4: Body Language Prayer
- The Gay Solution: the "Single Unifier"
“Why on earth, if God thought a gay lifestyle was wrong, would He make people that way?” And I’m pretty excited because it would show Christians why we should treasure gay people, instead of built within them to catalyze powerful community in the rest of us. 📷 And if you’re still wondering why
- Imperfect Angels
Though they may be more powerful and intelligent than us, and don’t suffer from doubt or insecurities
- STORY: You Provide for the Starved-to-Death
It was skeletal and albino, maybe that was why Lex seemed to be his only friend.
- Cultivate Love for Beauty
And I wondered why that is.
- STORY: Powerful Introductions
Why did this have to be the very next person he introduced himself to after their men's group made a
- *STORY: Best Dog Trainer in the World
Gebby, he would call her, reminded John of his son in these ways and maybe that is why he chose her. He watched her and tested hypotheses of why she seemed to refuse to obey, no matter what he did. booth he heard the man who had been scolded tell the driver, "If you're so concerned about identity, why
- Broken Easter
At first I wanted to say, “Why aren’t they moving him outside the sanctuary or something.
- Science is the Lower Level Laws
That is why both are needed. I think of it kind of like a car.