Search Results
335 items found for "why-suffering"
- Appointments with Disappointment
My friend Paigey, who also has a November birthday, suffers from the same sentiment, and aptly put it everything she owns fits in a backpack; she profoundly appreciates her friends and family; and Paigey has suffered Her mother, moved with compassion, saw that Paige’s suffering was too great for words, and so instead
- Deeper Dirt
Then why do we feel guilty?
- Myth of Mine
And I ask myself, ‘why am I in this at all?’
- Liberal vs Conservative: Clash of Ethics
They might say, “Why can’t they understand that sometimes life isn’t fair. Why can’t those in power understand how they are denying people of this?” This is why stories are important. Not as propaganda to push one side, but as awareness.
- Democracy Always Leads to Donald and Hillary
basically kidding, and I know all earthly monarchies have their problems, but I had been thinking about why And it got me thinking about why a kingdom with one ruler is probably actually better than democracy. Here’s why I think that’s true. Very few citizens know what a president needs to know.
- God's answer to OCD
My head goes through reason after reason why maybe this person is the right person or maybe they are
- My New Books
rough pictures: Book 1) Tobay and Ameni Book 2) Hollowed Stone Book 3) The Fallowing Lands: How the suffering
- Is the Devil Real
But then why do we call him so dang evil if he’s just like any of us, trying to get what we want? So that’s why we could say the devil is kinda bad. He doesn’t have our best in mind.
- What vs How
This is why short term missions don’t work and don’t make sense. In fact maybe this lesson is why God has me down here.
- Brokenhearted Teachers
Why would I change anything if it’s going so well.
- STORY: Why'd You Leave Me on this Mountain
He said, “It really is wholly ‘other’ in its way and that is why it challenges your ways. Here, why don’t we pause for a little bit.” He found a ledge to seat himself against. “Why–?” I thought about all the questions. “Why is it so hard to understand? Why does it feel like it’s contradicting? Why haven’t you been here all these years?” And on the days when I found myself asking, “Why do you seem so far away?”
- *STORY: Annoyances as Sins? (PG-13)
He was desperately seeking help to understand why this happens but his cousins said, "Sometimes that That's why it's hard.