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334 items found for "why-suffering"
- Why Suffering? (part 2)
Would we consider suffering a good gift instead of a reason to rebel against our trainer? If you think about it, why would God put us on a hard earth for a short time if we were meant to end faith if their is no doubt in heaven), sitting in grief (no grief in heaven), and sacrificial love (why
- Why Suffering? (part 1)
What makes this suffering even more unfair is that it was her own sacrificial love that ruined her. So why all this suffering for a person that just doesn’t deserve the pain? What if suffering fades like grasses in the fields but acts of love are eternal, like diamonds. Suffering is temporary, it can only last as long as a lifetime. So, why suffering? I don’t know.
- STORY: Why Moses Didn't Go To The Promised Land
"God, why such a lonely life for me? Haven't I served you well?" "Lord, why do you elude me? I just want... I just want to sit. I want to sit with you." "Why not, dear friend?" "I don't want to leave this place, Lord. Please don't make me leave you." "Do you know why I cannot allow you to enter that land?" "You can tell me if you wish, Lord." "Why is that, Moses?"
- Why is Jesus so rude?
It used to bug me big time when Jesus would ask “Why were you afraid of the storm? fact it still bugs me a bit because it just feels rude, but I got a new perspective that helped me see why I decided to stop asking why his responses seemed so rude, and instead just asked myself what his reality And what if in math class they had started arguing about why Mary deserved 4 apples and Jeremy deserved And then, by envisioning his view of reality and why it would solicit such responses, we can act like
- Theology of Suffering
I think the problem we have with brutal suffering allowed by a good God starts with a wrong assumption How epic could the story be if there was no deep suffering to be redeemed? And all suffering is a nearing to that freedom. Is this not God’s argument to the man who knew the most suffering? Of course the suffering is not good, but our God who has a plan to allow it is good.
- Maximum Suffering
The most suffering that can be felt in the whole existence of the world for all of time can be no more
- Violence Solves Suffering
all the bitterness and frustration that had been building up within her, “Because, there is so much suffering Why would a good God allow suffering?” 📷 That’s a valid response. I had also been thinking about why there is a lot of violence endorsed in the Bible. We ask why is there so much suffering. So, as I’m thinking, it seems the only way to remove the suffering would be to remove the free wills
- Why is Sin a Thing?
I think I figured out why sin is a thing–like why a personal choice of how I live my life can be categorized
- Why Anger = Killing
I think the loud music situation helped me figure out maybe why hate and murder are judged similarly.
- Why I Sin
God, I sin When I lack. When this world is not enough And you don’t come to give me what I am left wanting too much, I sin. In that hour of need and longing I don’t know how to cope- I just don’t know how. I just don’t know how. And I have only taught myself Over and over, instead, To sin. To sin Instead of trusting You and being content to be want. Raw Spoon
- Guest Post: Lent and Suffering and Hope
She shares how she has found hope in suffering, a suffering highlighted by this lenten season. 40 Days
- Why We're Conservative or Liberal
Why we are liberal or conservative I’ve been wondering why it seems like those with liberal theology And why those with conservative theology are often also staunch capitalists. Why?! What made us decide one way was better than the other? (And perhaps this is why a lot of white middle class American males tend to trust the current system–it Why we grab onto certain ideas And I also noticed that philosophies get solidified in me when I am the