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343 items found for "why-suffering"
Blog Posts (334)
- Why Suffering? (part 2)
Would we consider suffering a good gift instead of a reason to rebel against our trainer? If you think about it, why would God put us on a hard earth for a short time if we were meant to end faith if their is no doubt in heaven), sitting in grief (no grief in heaven), and sacrificial love (why
- Why Suffering? (part 1)
What makes this suffering even more unfair is that it was her own sacrificial love that ruined her. So why all this suffering for a person that just doesn’t deserve the pain? What if suffering fades like grasses in the fields but acts of love are eternal, like diamonds. Suffering is temporary, it can only last as long as a lifetime. So, why suffering? I don’t know.
- STORY: Why Moses Didn't Go To The Promised Land
"God, why such a lonely life for me? Haven't I served you well?" "Lord, why do you elude me? I just want... I just want to sit. I want to sit with you." "Why not, dear friend?" "I don't want to leave this place, Lord. Please don't make me leave you." "Do you know why I cannot allow you to enter that land?" "You can tell me if you wish, Lord." "Why is that, Moses?"
Other Pages (9)
- About Me | RawSpoon.com
We cover why is there hell, and suffering on earth. Here's part 1. Know Why Podcast (1) (part 1) Liberty McArtor hosts the Know Why Podcast, exploring the 'why' behind Know Why Podcast (2) (part 2) in the continuation of the episode we talk about finding your mission,
- Art and Story worship | by author/Illustrator Raw Spoon
the Cross" are traditionally 14 art pieces meant to help Christians contemplate 14 moments of Jesus' suffering Like in many of these mandalas the trinity sign is in the middle signifying that despite all the suffering We can see the suffering on his swollen, blood-stained face, under the weight of the cross in the middle story-padre-pedro-s-garden Play Video Play Video 06:27 He Sinks our Boats This is a story to describe why found here: https://www.rawspoon.com/post/story-he-sinks-our-boats Play Video Play Video 04:27 House Why
- secret burden poem | RawSpoon (july 2020)
Yet each day I’m planted in new soil Why O Lord, When justice cuts to bone, You send me not to noose