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570 items found for "love"

  • STORY: Father Love

    It seemed that Gary Hatton lived what he preached too. People told stories of Gary’s employees.  He treated them with grace and patience and they all loved him dearly. He yelled, during the live show, “Sullivan!  Are you ok, buddy?” humbled smile of a young man looking at his father who was consumed with a ridiculously ideal, irrational love

  • *STORY: Willing to lose his love to save him

    After her husband died, Mary pretty much put all of her effort and investment into loving Philip. So it was the hardest sacrifice in her life to lose his love by how she chose to love him. Whenever she tried to love him, he shut her out. In this moment he became aware of the incomparable love his mother had for him. act of actually loving him.

  • STORY: You Do Love Notes but no Laundry!?

    and as he watched her move toward the bedroom he asked, "Are you okay baby?" "Yes! Then she said, still looking at the ground, "I love that you did all that nice stuff for me on Friday I felt very loved.

  • Choosing to love through "unnecessary" tasks

    I used to live a minimalistic bachelor life (eating chipotle in my tiny rented room) with purposefully as few unnecessary tasks as possible, so that I could instead focus almost solely on my mission (to love Until I remember loving those in front of us is the first mission of all of us. then doing the busywork not only becomes bearable, but making “unnecessary work” the way through which love figure out how to do each of these “unnecessary” tasks in a way so that they are the platter on which love

  • Love Training

    I was sitting with someone who is a little bit hard to love. maybe that’s because in the same way my body needs training to get stronger, the soul needs training to love

  • Love the Law

    In the Psalms, David gushes over and over about how he loves the laws of God. He almost talks about it like each rule is a new intoxicating lover given to him for his harem. Loving boring old rules like that? memories of obediences and their rewards, I presume it could start to look like our God is wooing and loving And maybe this delight is a glimpse of the intoxicating love he knows we can feel when we know him and

  • Abounding Love

    closer I identified two assumptions that made me ashamed: that I had made it more difficult for God to love But a moment later I thought that if anything, He feels even more love for me in the way that you feel . . . unless someone loves me enough that it hurt them when they saw me hurting myself. reason our every sin hurts him, is not because we are taking something away from Him, but because He loves

  • Fear of Such Love

    Fear of God may begin when we glimpse the fierceness of His love. Raw Spoon

  • Little but Loved

    So many of my problems could be solved if I realized how little I am, and how loved.

  • His Love is Fierce

    I was with her when I reached to move something in a really awkward way and something in my shoulder And I wondered, God, is this maybe how you love me, too? Thank you for caring for me with a fierce kind of love. Raw Spoon, 4-16-19

  • Dirty, Dirty Love

    with the coffee,” I said, watching his coffee almost splash on my back seat with each of his impulsive moves I love you. You remind me of my son.” It would be nice to have a clean, comfortable, disinfected life, but a life without love would be worthless , and it’s almost impossible to truly love without getting dirty.

  • A Love So Big.

    I was reading in Exodus 19 and 20 when God has led the Israelites out of slave-driving Egypt, and He calls them to this special mountain. Then he like sets the whole mountain on fire and there's this big long, increasingly loud blast from a ram's horn, the mountain actually shakes, and God's voice booms out of the whole big mess. The whole things smelled a little bit like the Wizard of Oz putting on a show with levers and curtains to scare the people who had come to see him. I started to ask myself, was God really just a tiny, insecure creature that needed to feel big? But he calls Moses up to talk to him and says, tell the people I will come to them in a pillar of smoke to be with them. Because I choose them and want to be with them. Moses is like, cool, and he goes down to chat with his peeps. But they're like, no way, dude. Keep that thing away from us. You talk to him. We basically were skidding our pants down here. And this seems to break Moses' heart. He says, "Guys, wait, no, no, no! He wants to be close to us. He just presented himself this way to keep you from sinning." And I realized this is such a special relationship with have with God. This is a huge, holy and vastly powerful being and yet He wants to be close and intimate with us. I think we're pretty good at either picturing god as a pretty benign buddy who we can chat with and we don't have to really stop sinning for, or a distant, judgmental grandpa-like figure criticizing our actions from afar. And because we hate the criticism we just decide to put up with him at Christmas. But what would it look like to hold both in tension. When we sit down with God for an intimate conversation, sipping our coffee next to Him, would it actually change us more if we remembered we were holding the same space as the God that shakes mountains? Raw Spoon, 2-4-19

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         -Jeff Vanderlaan, board of the Association of College Ministries


"Ross's work helped resolve some of my biggest questions of faith."
-Paul W., Wichita, Kansas

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