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STORY: Why Pray #1

A very powerful construction supervisor hired his brother to work for him as a manager.  His brother had MS and was curled up in his wheel chair, but he was very smart and could do the job very well.

One day the handicapped brother was trying to give instructions, through his slow, slurred speech to some new employees.  These employees didn’t believe he was a manager and they just laughed and made fun of him.  The handicapped brother knew his brother’s will to finish the insulation on the first floor starting in the far corner, but these new employees thought there was a much better way of doing it and mocked his idea and laughed at him.

Finally the handicapped brother squirmed and pulled out his walkie talkie and radioed this message.  “The new guys don’t believe that your instructions are the best way to do it.  They need a sign.”

Fifteen minutes later a new team of insulators pulled up in a van and relieved the other team of their duties.

Elijah was a man just like us.  he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for 3.5 years.  Again he prayed and the heavens gave rain…  James 5:17.

Prayer can be like the walkie talkie call.  God can show his will and show His power to the world by answering a righteous man’s prayer.

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These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


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"I can't tell you how moved I was with what you did. Your demeanor, skill, the videos, everything from the slight movements, and the cadence. It was so amazing."

         -Jeff Vanderlaan, board of the Association of College Ministries


"Ross's work helped resolve some of my biggest questions of faith."
-Paul W., Wichita, Kansas

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