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We Post What Gives Us Our Value

Just an idea.

I think maybe what I post on social media will tell me the things from which I glean my self worth.

I have this urge to post about my books coming out, art I’ve done, and things that make me look like a more generous person. But why do I do this so religiously?

It’s like I don’t want others to miss that I’ve done something that gives me value. Why is that? Maybe because I get my value from what others think of me?

And when, as an experiment, I ask myself if I would post something that would make me look worse I think, “WHY ON EARTH WOULD I DO THAT?!!”

Maybe that response is a good indicator that I’m using social media to prove my value to the world.

But then I wonder, is it wrong for me to want my society to know the value I think I am giving to it?

Maybe not. But maybe yes, if it’s the only place I get my value. I should ask myself if I’ve ever done something generous, or brilliant, or beautiful that no one knows about.

Not many. Maybe that response should be an indicator that I don’t really believe that the one who sees what I do in private is really the one who gives me my true self worth.

Just an idea.

Raw Spoon, 1-18-16



These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


Check out the Creature Habits App for blogs and art accompanying daily Bible readings.

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-Paul W., Wichita, Kansas

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