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Trusting a Big Foot in My Mouth

So, recently I wrote a blog about how I rarely get mad, because I’ve figured out how to be so generous and stuff.

But this week I got all kinds of mad.

At all sorts of stupid things. I found myself getting mad at traffic, and at the sun in my eyes, and getting jealous of friends.

So I had basically totally put my foot in my mouth.


And I’ve been thinking and praying about how to solve that. I think when I get mad, the reason is usually because something is getting in the way of something I feel the need to achieve. But how to solve that? Who knows.

Every now and then words pop into my head, kind of out of nowhere, and I wonder if that is God.

Well, today when I was driving home, wondering why I was so peeved at getting a text because it took me away from my driving, I heard the word,


And I remembered that TRUST really does solve a multitude of problems. If I trust that God will work everything out for my good, I do not need to rage at anything getting in my way. Because his ways are bigger than mine and he is working them in me until their completion.

Raw Spoon, 3-24-16



These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


Check out the Creature Habits App for blogs and art accompanying daily Bible readings.

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