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Seeds and Trees

What if the life we live and the life that we have the potential to live are as different as a seed and what it becomes, a tree.

Is a life of doing just enough at a job, so I can go kill time with sitcoms and Facebook really what it’s all about?

I see people that seem like little, stagnant, hard-shelled balls filled with latent material. Seeds, sitting in cupboards.

But I see a vision of a tree that started as a seed and is now a large, deeply rooted, fruit-bearing tree, housing birds and caterpillars, and continuously growing into the infinite sky.

What if we sought the deep richness of life, joy and pain, and relentlessly pursued beautiful, healthy living for the one who loves, and quietly watches us.

So let us not shy away from a difficult calling. Let’s not hesitate when we know to do the difficult right. Love fully when he calls us to love. Mourn deeply when we lose a love, when we are hurt, or when we hurt Him or other ones we love. And let’s never stop hoping that he will heal us. Be kind to grocery baggers and your mean boss too. Let dogs lick your face and make children smile. Just because He likes to see us do that with ones who are small and have nothing to give. Pray with passion and angst. Throw your heart against the wall and let it drip down before him. Then at the end of each day let him catch you, give you peace that passes all understanding and give you rest.

God, help us trust you, and obey so we can die to ourselves, break this hard shell and begin to grow into what you designed us to be.

Raw Spoon



These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


Check out the Creature Habits App for blogs and art accompanying daily Bible readings.

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"I can't tell you how moved I was with what you did. Your demeanor, skill, the videos, everything from the slight movements, and the cadence. It was so amazing."

         -Jeff Vanderlaan, board of the Association of College Ministries


"Ross's work helped resolve some of my biggest questions of faith."
-Paul W., Wichita, Kansas

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