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STORY: Roots and Wings

This was the art presentation done at the end of Rev. Carolyn Abram's sermon at Columbia Drive UMC on February 16, 2020.

My name is Ross Boone. I go by the artist name Raw Spoon. I am a writer and artist and even though I spent over a decade as a professional designer, I've devoted myself to helping journeying Christians like myself draw closer to God through writing and art.

Thank you very much, pastor Ralph, for giving me this opportunity to share my gifts with your church. It is a HUGE honor. And, Reverend Carolyn Abrams, may my creation do justice to your beautiful, convicting sermon.

For the message today, I tried to think of a story and visuals that encompass our theme of roots and wings. How could I portray the importance of depending on the long-grown roots in our lives and in those who came before us, and how that gives us the wings to ascend to what is waiting for us in our future, and the future of those we will leave behind.

I give you

The Butterfly and the Azalea.

The caterpillar knew that its species was dwindling and its choice of where to make its cocoon was critical to its survival. It saw how quickly some of the wildflowers grew so tall; all it would have to do would be to attach onto a leaf and let it carry it up quickly to a magnificent view surrounded by beautiful blooms.

But the caterpillar also saw how the azalea bush was low and sturdy, with a thick base from several years of growth. It may not have been as beautiful, or as tall, but the bush was protective and sturdy. He could just barely see the magnificently thick and complex root structure bulging out of the ground. While the other flowers would be fast and glorious, the azalea would be dependable.

And so that is where the caterpillar built its cocoon. And while it developed, all the flowers that looked so extraordinary grew fast, bloomed, and died. But when it was time to hatch, not only was the thick azalea bush protective and still there, it also had bloomed.

And now, because the caterpillar had chosen to rely on what had deep roots, it could now open its wings and fly.

Let's think a moment about those Biblical truths that have been meaningful to us, and grounded us, for a long time.

Maybe that scripture came through someone who cares for us. Maybe we heard it during a sermon, or during our quiet time in a hard season. Maybe it set the direction in our life when we were a child. Maybe we hadn't even thought about this scripture for a while. Meditate on it again for a moment.

Now, think about the future this scripture is calling us into. What does it mean to us in thisseason of our life? Imagine that while this truth is a seed deeply planted in us and slowly growing deeper and more permanent, it is also lifting our soul. Imagine it making our whole being lighter, stronger, and more hopeful.

I'm excited to hear how it will bloom in new ways in your hearts this week. Thank you.



These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


Check out the Creature Habits App for blogs and art accompanying daily Bible readings.

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"I can't tell you how moved I was with what you did. Your demeanor, skill, the videos, everything from the slight movements, and the cadence. It was so amazing."

         -Jeff Vanderlaan, board of the Association of College Ministries


"Ross's work helped resolve some of my biggest questions of faith."
-Paul W., Wichita, Kansas

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