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Breathe Acts: Miraculous Healing

I went to visit my friend, Trevor in Oklahoma City this weekend.  This friend regularly tells me stories about people that are healed when he prays for them!  We were walking through Oklahoma city together and he said, “I’m gonna try something crazy.” I look up and see people walking towards us.  I say, “Go for it, man.”

He stops the people and asks, “Do any of you have any pain I can pray for?”

They gave this weirded out look and said no.  They walked on.

Next he asked the same thing to a large family with kids and they seemed more accepting but again, had no pain they needed to be healed from.  This could have felt embarrassing if I had let it.

Finally as we were waiting at a crosswalk, Trevor turned around and asked a tall, weathered, tough looking young man if he had any pain.  He said No.  Trevor pressed the issue.  “No shoulder pain or foot pain, or maybe back pain we can pray for?”

“Not really.” he said, “But I’m trying to figure out whether i should go back to my wife tonight or not.” 

Suddenly my ears perked and i turned to fully face him.  We had found the pain.

Trevor persisted- he wanted to see a healing, “Are you sure you don’t have a wrist or a hand maybe that needs healing?”

I smiled but butted in.  “What happened with your wife tonight?”

Jake told us his story.  We went to Sonic and sat for an hour as he talked and we tried to council him.  That day he had gotten so angry at his wife that he smashed a vacuum cleaner and his fist through some walls.  After that he had gone to the bank, emptied his account and left on his motorcycle.  When we found him he was debating on whether to go back to her or go to Kentucky and start completely over. 

He had come from a past of prison, drugs and alcoholism.  He had rebuilt his life with his wife and said that he was blessed with great daughters, a successful business, a great church, and a beautiful house.  he hadn’t had a drink for ten years, but tonight he said he had been thinking what the hell, why not a beer. 

He said he had been running from God all day.  Several people from the church had texted and tried to call him but he turned off his phone because he didn’t want to listen.  He looked at us and said, but God found me anyways tonight. 

We listened and prayed with him and tried our best to give advice.  I’m not sure if we solved his marriage problems, probably not entirely.  He will have a difficult journey ahead.  but I think it could have been terribly worse if we had not stepped out in love and looked for someone who needed healing. 

Thank you God for using us.

Raw Spoon



These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


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