Feb 266 min read
STORY: Division and Cancer
Lloyd sat with his head on the bed in his wife's hospital room. Sunlight came through the windows and warmed his back. She was asleep and...
Feb 1613 min read
Story: You will know him by his Goodness
Though it was just a dream, Asher felt he had been there for years. He was walking on a beautifully architected bridge with a man who...
Feb 37 min read
STORY: Why Moses Didn't Go To The Promised Land
Moses stopped climbing. Breathing hard, he put his hand on his knee and looked up. In the dusk he could still see light flickering on the...

Jan 77 min read
STORY: Seen in stark light
Mason grumbled to himself as he drove to the men's prayer breakfast. He hit the steering wheel and cursed, "All such a big bait and...

Jan 16 min read
STORY: Trusted with little
Clayton Phillips was independently wealthy. He had several beautiful houses and a fleet of supercars that he cherished deeply. What he...

Dec 17, 20249 min read
*STORY: (Advent) Found in The Waiting
Henri took three more big steps and planted the next seed carefully. He looked up at the how far he had come. This Christmas tree farm...

Dec 13, 20249 min read
*STORY: (Advent) Inn Keeper
Sean lay in bed listening for whines from his girl. He raised dogs and his female had given birth a week ago. So he left the door to the...

Nov 27, 20246 min read
*STORY: (Advent) You want Gifts, but not the Giver
Synthia was the youngest of three, demanding, materialistic daughters. Each Christmas their widowed father asked them, "What do you want...

Sep 26, 202411 min read
*STORY: Physics Prof explains The Trinity by black holes
Evelyn noticed the old leather tool bag underneath the drinking fountain as she tilted her water bottle to fill it. She glanced at her...