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Skin and Sinew

God, I plead have mercy

on my friends who have turned away

because how can you blame us?

You gave us Science like a wedding gift

to know your intimate thoughts,

but it's made you seem like a liar.

The previous generations have spilled Sex

into every soaking fold of our nation’s fabric

and You call us sinful for it.

So wouldn’t you expect us

to resent you

for the guilt stained into our thighs

and for our little brothers who say,

‘screw it all; weren’t we made like this?’

Of all the world’s handsome leaders

We’ve found none

trustworthy to reign supreme

So we’ve made Democracy our god.

We’ve placed our faith in Human Rights

because how could we trust a Heavenly Father

who sends his children down to die.

(Like my devout mom who slipped off our roof.)

We’ve tried to find you in Religions

but all we know is to switch temples

like channels, when we’re left wanting

because Television was our teacher.

God, in You alone I trust–

only You.

But can you see now

how little we know of what we do?

Have mercy on our soot-laden land, Lord.

Raise up scientists and artists and politicians,

who have seen Heaven, to speak in our dialect

about Sex and Science

and Your Sweeping Hand of Mercy.

Train our eyes and our bravery

to take up light in fragile lanterns

that can gather all our scattered tribes,

all the skin and sinew from the night

into your Gentle Hands of Mercy,

God, I plead.

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"I can't tell you how moved I was with what you did. Your demeanor, skill, the videos, everything from the slight movements, and the cadence. It was so amazing."

         -Jeff Vanderlaan, board of the Association of College Ministries


"Ross's work helped resolve some of my biggest questions of faith."
-Paul W., Wichita, Kansas

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