Creature Habits App
Download on either App store here:

Click her for the web version: CreatureHabits.org.
Don't waste your life on meaningless distractions.
Together let's refine this app to makes spiritual disciplines this world's favorite distractions

In a world where on any train or in any line, everyone's on their phones mindlessly scrolling...
Don't be a victim of any distraction that wants your attention.
With a dozen deep, emotive, entertaining, interactive screens to keep us engaged and learning with God and each other, Creature Habits app aims to make life-building spiritual disciplines, and ways to follow our mission, our favorite distraction.

It gives room to write a journal to God, to record requests and their developments, and your life goals and habits as well. However all of this data is stored on your device, so there is no risk of your data leaking to others. In fact when you get a new device make sure to copy paste in your responses!
I hope to be able to figure out how to track which pages you use the most so I know what you love and what you don't, and if the app crashes I of course want to know that so I can fix it. And I'd love your feedback (swipe up to submit feedback in the app!)