All Church Services
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I partner with churches to find their stories using art, writing and workshops.

This helps:
Increase impact of sermons
Members pursue their calling
Engage the uninspired
Give opportunities for outreach
Minister to those who don't value their own story
Relieve pastors of preaching, activity planning, and pastoral care duties
This is done through:
Making art for sermons
Workshops on finding calling
Record church stories
Mission Maps for members and church
Writing allegories to illustrate sermons
Selling artwork and books
Writing hour (each day)
Book club with the author of Christian novel and book on miracles
Art and/or branding for church
Restorative women's ministry
See below for the services and packages. Reach out if I can help! Ross.Boone@RawSpoon.com.
Art for Sermons:
Ross creates art inspired by messages in sermons. Can be distributed via social media, prints, or stickers.
Click here for more information.

Workshop on Finding Calling:
Ross, writer of the book, Millennial Monk, gives workshops teaching how to find what we are uniquely built to pursue. Also available as a talk or a sermon.
Click here for more information.

I learned that you may think you know what you wanted to do with your future career. But when you lay out your key strenghts, passions, and struggles you may have a different lay out.
-Harlie (in Nebraska)
What he does is inspiring and makes some people look forward to their future and gives them goals.
-Marlee (in Nebraska)
Ross has a seminary degree and preaches on finding one's mission, but can also preach, and create illustrations and anecdotes on specified text.
Click here for more information.

Record Stories:
Ross interviews church members to record their stories. This informs pastors about members, and lets members feel validated and heard for their experiences.
Click here for more information.

Sketchnotes of Sermons:
Ross records visual notes of the sermon to help congregation remember and engage in message.
Click here for more information.

Mission Maps:
1-hour one-on-one sessions to help identify what someone is uniquely built to do, and next steps to pursue it. Can be done for individuals, couples or church as a whole.
Click here for more information.

"...Ross intentionally, creatively, and in one-of-a-kind fashion digs into your life and beautifully brings out the very best of the potential within you. I’ve met thousands of leaders and can say, without a doubt, that his expertise is SO needed for leaders to help them live out their God-given potential..."
-Ana Muñoz, Tyler Reagan's assistant to help put on Catalyst for years
"... Ross helped me discover i'm really strong on the business side and today i can make money doing things around business, and build on the femininity side. he helped me focus on what I can build today and what I can build in the future."
-Cheslea Zirna, design thinking consultant and founder of community based on femininity
Sermon Allegories:
Ross writes short stories that supplement and engage the reader into the sermon. Story can also be told as part of sermon.
Click here for more information.

Selling Artwork and Books:
I can put up a booth of my work for purchase.
Writing Hour:
Ross facilitates writing sessions each morning to practice the habit of writing. Time can also be used for writing critique and advice.
Click here for more information.
Book Club:
Book club with the author.
Book on miracles.
And Christian allegory novel.
Click here for book on miracles.
Click here for novel.
Art Workshops:
Ross facilitates art workshops for adults or kids. They can be to help each find their voice, as well as to generate art that illustrates that week's sermon.
Click here for my art.

Church Art or Branding:
Art or graphic design to help the church with visual needs.
Click here for more information.

Highest Package:
3 weeks of partnership: any and all services that can be produced within three 40-hour work weeks. We can travel and stay on-site. We are based out of Atlanta, Georgia.
Lower packages:
Choose which services you desire. Some can be done in one day to several days or even done remotely.
Please reach out to Ross to discuss partnership.
Ross.Boone@RawSpoon.com or (303) 359-4232